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All the Football in one place

Get instant access to real-time data using premium Football API provider, including live scores, league standings, team details and player insights.


Data quality is our priority

From live scores to in-depth stats, our API delivers real-time data to keep you connected to the game, anytime, anywhere.

  • Real-Time Updates
  • Comprehensive and Accurate Data
  • Extensive Coverage
  • Developer-Friendly API
  • Dedicated Support
  • Scalable and Reliable

Real-Time Updates

Stay ahead with live match updates, player statistics, team performances and league standings delivered with minimal latency.


Comprehensive and Accurate Data

Access real-time and historical data from major leagues, tournaments and competitions worldwide. Our data is sourced from trusted providers and validated for accuracy to ensure you get reliable insights.


Extensive Coverage

From top-tier leagues to grassroots competitions, we cover thousands of matches across the globe, providing detailed insights into teams, players and game events.


Developer-Friendly API

Our API is designed with developers in mind, offering well-documented endpoints, easy integration and a flexible query system to suit your specific needs.


Dedicated Support

Our team of experts is available 24/7 to assist with integration, troubleshooting and data queries, ensuring a seamless experience.


Scalable and Reliable

Handle high traffic loads with our robust infrastructure, ensuring uninterrupted service even during peak seasons and major events.

99.9% Uptime Guarantee

Our robust infrastructure guarantees 99.9% uptime with failover systems and real-time monitoring, ensuring seamless data delivery anytime, anywhere.

Worldwide major & secondary leagues coverage

Our API covers top-tier leagues along with secondary and regional competitions, offering a complete football data solution for all levels of the game.

pt Portugal
it Italy
ir Ireland
au Austria
be Belgium
au Spain
dk Denmark
ua Ukraine
au Sweden
au Canada
mx Mexico
au Switzerland
by Belarus
au Norway
au Turkey
au France
au Netherlands
au England
au Germany
au Russia
au United States
ro Romania

All plans includes

Access to all endpoints with some daily limits
depending on selected plan...

Fast endpoints
Dedicated support
Full access
Custom endpoints

Choose the perfect package for your needs

Find the right package to access real-time football data tailored to your platform.

Monthly Annual 30% OFF
Basic Package
5000 Requests/day
$ 15
per month
$ 15
every month
Get Started
Premium Package
150000 Requests/day
$ 50
per month
$ 50
every month
Get Started
Pro Package
50000 Requests/day
$ 30
per month
$ 30
every month
Get Started